Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hiroshima: Memorial Peace Park

Friday, 4th April, 2014.


Here is the Peace Park, seen from a large window in the Memorial Peace Museum.  You can easily see the A-Bomb Dome in the background.



The Peace Park contains many memorials, including the cenotaph, which contains the names of all the known victims of the bomb.

The cenotaph frames the Flame of Peace at the other end of the pond, and the Atomic Bomb Dome across the river. 



Looking back towards the Flame of Peace and the Memorial Peace Museum.

This Flame will only be extinguished once the last nuclear weapon on earth has been destroyed.



At the northern end of the Peace Park is the Children’s Peace Monument, inspired by Sadako Sasaki.  When Sadako developed leukaemia at 11 years of age in 1955, she decided to fold 1,000 paper cranes.  In Japan, the crane is the symbol of longevity and happiness, and she was convinced that if she achieved the target she would recover.  Sadly, Sadako died before achieving her target, but her classmates folded the rest.



Now children from all over the world fold paper cranes and send them to Hiroshima, as a symbol of hope for world peace:











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