Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fukien Assembly Hall, Hoi An, Viet Nam

19th August, 2012.

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The Fukien Assembly Hall was founded in 1690 and served the Fujian, the largest Chinese ethnic group in Hoi An.  The building has been modified many times over the years, this green-tiled triple gateway being added in 1975.


IMG_3578 - Copy Inside the gate is a courtyard, and then a temple, dedicated to Thien Hau, the goddess of the sea and protector of the sailors.



In the courtyard was growing a beautiful Desert Rose, covered in flowers.  I have one of these which has a small sprig of leaves and that’s it.


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On the right hand side in this picture of one of the rooms of the temple stands a statue of the green-skinned deity Thien Ny Nhan, who alerts the goddess Thien Hau when sailors are in distress and need saving.


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Behind this altar in the temple are three fairies and smaller figures representing 12 midwives who each teach newborns a skill they will need for their first year of life, e.g. smiling and sucking.

Childless couples often come here to pray for offspring and leave fresh fruit as offerings.

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