Friday, June 14, 2013

Zoe goes to Portugal: Dubai

Tuesday, 11th June, 2013.

Zoe was going to Portugal with Mummy and Grandma Jan.  Mummy was going to a doctor’s conference in Lisbon, which is the capital of Portugal.

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Zoe had her own little bassinette on the aeroplane, which was very comfortable.  It takes 14 hours to fly from Sydney to Portugal, so Mummy and Gran hoped Zoe would sleep a lot in the little bassinette.  



Unfortunately, it often happened that Mummy and Gran had just put Zoe to sleep in her bassinette when the seat belt sign would come on for some turbulence, and Zoe would have to come out of the bassinette to put on her seat belt.



Then Zoe would wake up again.


IMG_1120  When they arrived in Dubai, it was very hot.  They took a bus from the airport to a hotel and had some dinner.  Mummy is having some hommous with Arabic bread, and some Arabic cake.  Zoe would like some too!



In Dubai, the men wear long white robes and sandals, while many of the ladies wear long black robes, and cover all of their faces except for their eyes.



The hotel had a very nice swimming pool with a fountain, but there wasn’t enough time for Zoe to go swimming.



Zoe has a bath, and checks out the attractions of Dubai.



There is only time for a small taste of Dubai before bed.



Next morning, Mummy, Gran and Zoe catch the bus back to Dubai airport to catch another aeroplane to Lisbon, in Portugal.  This flight will take eight hours.

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