Sunday, August 18, 2013

Lake Tahoe: Tahoe City

4th - 5th August, 2013.



The day after the wedding was a busy one, as we had to pack up and leave the lodge.  Anna, Pedram and Zoe were not going directly back to San Francisco, which meant that our group of nine people, our luggage, wedding gear and left over groceries and alcohol (sorry, I wasn’t going to mention the alcohol) had to fit into two cars.  Here we are packing the cars.  You can see how much room Laura’s wedding dress would need.

Pat and I had a small space to share on a back seat, where we fitted quite well as long as one person leaned forward and the other leaned back.



We stayed that night at Pepper Tree Inn, right on the edge of Lake Tahoe, in Tahoe City, as it was a long drive back to San Francisco.

Here is the view from our room.



The more energetic members of our group went bike riding or paddle boarding.  Others went to sleep.


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Laura and Arend took us out to dinner at Christy Hill, this beautiful restaurant right on the water.


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We finished off our dinner by eating wedding cake on the patio outside our rooms with spoons that Helen and Dan had given Laura and Arend as a wedding present.


Paul showed us some of the clothes he had bought tax free for Alec in Reno:

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Next morning, we called in at beautiful Emerald Bay on Lake Tahoe, on our way back to San Francisco:









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