Sunday, October 2, 2011

Bluff Rock, near Tenterfield, NSW.

Bluff Rock Massacre

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Bluff Rock is 10 km south of Tenterfield. It is on private property, but can be clearly seen from the New England Highway, and from a rest area where it was so cold and windy that  after looking at the forbidding rock, we were pleased to hop back into the warmth of the car and keep going.  Large crystals of pink feldspar, dark mica and quartz give the rock its speckled appearance.

There are conflicting records of the 1844 Bluff Rock Massacre, but it is said that a shepherd named Robinson was murdered by Aborigines on the Irby Station at Bolivia. The Aborigines fled to the rock, chased by a group of four white men who caught them and threw them from the top, killing most of the tribe and injuring the remainder.  (From

A very strong oral tradition exists amongst the local Aboriginal community of a baby surviving the fall in its mother’s arms and being rescued and brought up by a local resident.  The unmarked grave is said to be east of the rock and the present road.  (From a plaque on the site.)


  1. Bluff Rock Massacre
    My great Great grand mother Kathleen Wallace maiden name Mornow Was born on Bolivia station nsw and my great grand mother Ellen Wallace was born ant five mile creek near Bolivia nsw and my grand mother Ivy Kathleen William was born Deepwater ten mile / Pyes Creek deepwater river .
    Our family are the survivors of this massacre ,any person claiming to be from this area please contact me on 0411645116, No person other than the true traditional owners of this land should make claim, there was a memorial and we we not consulted
    A memorial commemorates a massacre of aboriginals.
